» Obama got Osama, but lost the Middle East – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Obama’s foreign policy has been a profound disaster, subjugating generations of women throughout the region to fundamentalist tyranny as Obama concocts a false “war on women” campaign theme against Republicans.

Yet Obama and his campaign team trot out Osama bin Laden to cure all those political ills, and as political cover for a failed presidency.

One lucky three-point shot doesn’t make you a star.

Obama got Osama, but lost the Middle East. Repeat.

Update:  Fausta reminds me that our foreign policy in this hemisphere has been a disaster as well.  Remember when Obama sided with the Chavez-backed Manuel Zelaya and then went to extensive lengths to isolate and bully Honduras?  I sure do.  Meanwhile Iran and Hezbollah are more active than ever in our own backyard.

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