Porter Stansberry: This is our favorite way to trade the lifting of the U.S. oil-export ban | The Crux

What the crude-oil export ban really does is create huge profits for refineries and enable lucrative export markets for other refined products, like propane. Who controls refineries? The politicians who decide who gets to build them. To make sure the price of these licenses remains high (in the form of campaign contributions), nobody is allowed to build big ones. The last major new refinery built in the United States began operations in 1977. It was approved before the crude-oil export ban. Marathon Oil owns it. It’s located in Garyville, Louisiana. Any idea why it’s located Garyville? Have you ever heard of the Mississippi River?

Source: Porter Stansberry: This is our favorite way to trade the lifting of the U.S. oil-export ban | The Crux

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