John Paul Stevens, Brazen Anti-Constitutionalist, Lamented Lost Litigation – Blackbeard’s Ship Heads to Supreme Court in a Battle Over Another Sort of Piracy

New Rule : When a brazen anti-constitutionalist “civic nationalist” judge laments lost power of the US Govt with two claims connected by the term “both,” look for the reasoning in power grabs or lost opportunities to do so usually in the name of some trope such as efficiency.

“In my view,” he wrote, “the court’s decision in Seminole Tribe is one of the most objectionable cases that the court decided during my tenure as a justice, both in its reasoning and in the impact of its holding on the efficient functioning of our national government.”

WASHINGTON — A little more than 300 years ago, the pirate Blackbeard captured a French merchant vessel, renamed it Queen Anne’s Revenge, armed it with 40 cannons and used it to pursue his calling of pillage and plunder.

Source: Blackbeard’s Ship Heads to Supreme Court in a Battle Over Another Sort of Piracy

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