Where are the actors? — “a wall came down, a continent came together, and history proved that there is no challenge too great for a world that stands as one.”–The Obama Narrative Goes to Hiroshima | PJ Media

Obama has been peddling this elixir for years. It was the theme of his 2008 non-campaign/presidential-campaign speech in Berlin, where, as he described it: “a

“But if on such a mission an American president wants to call for a moral awakening of the world, he would be better advised to do it from the Memorial of the USS Arizona, in Pearl Harbor, tomb to this day of more than 1,100 of its 1,177 crewmen, who were among the 2,403 Americans killed in the surprise attack that brought America into World War II, and led to Hiroshima.” The Obama Narrative Goes to Hiroshima | PJ Media

But if on such a mission an American president wants to call for a moral awakening of the world, he would be better advised to

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