“One thinks of hired gun “Hendrik Tennekes” of the obvious Potemkin organization “the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute” and former member of the notorious front group “the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences”, who attacked Dr Mann…” Potemkin Laureate :: SteynOnline

As for the vast Koch-Scaife CDM Cabal of Disparagers of Mann, Dr Mann is right. The untold billions from the Koch Brothers, the Scaife Brothers

Steinhauer: Clueless? or Mendacious? “Fox Butterfield, Is That You? “While Mr. Brat is firmly pro-free market, during the campaign he repeatedly denounced crony capitalism.” –Jennifer Steinhauer, New York Times, June 12″ Best of the Web Today: Vergara, Cloward and Piven – WSJ

Fox Butterfield, Is That You? “While Mr. Brat is firmly pro-free market, during the campaign he repeatedly denounced crony capitalism.”–Jennifer Steinhauer, New York Times, June

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