“Given the extremely high policy relevance of climate science, this transition to Feynman integrity will require a better decision analytic model than the linear model that ‘speaks consensus to power’ – examples of such strategies are provided in these previous CE posts.” The adversarial method versus Feynman integrity | Climate Etc.

Given the extremely high policy relevance of climate science, this transition to Feynman integrity will require a better decision analytic model than the linear model

“Meanwhile, back in the real world: Opposing Mann and his attempt to slice’n’dice the First Amendment are, among others, the American Civil Liberties Union and almost every major media organization from The Washington Post to NBC News.” Punching Back Twice as Hard: “A Disgrace to the Profession”: The World’s Scientists – In Their Own Words – On Michael E Mann :: SteynOnline

Meanwhile, back in the real world: Opposing Mann and his attempt to slice’n’dice the First Amendment are, among others, the American Civil Liberties Union and

“Which reminds me: that “Climate Science Legal Defense Fund” that’s backing Mann is somewhat misnamed. He’s never the defendant; he’s always the guy that sues. So it ought to be the Climate Science Serial Litigants’ Fund.” Punching Back Twice as Hard: “A Disgrace to the Profession”: The World’s Scientists – In Their Own Words – On Michael E Mann :: SteynOnline

Which reminds me: that “Climate Science Legal Defense Fund” that’s backing Mann is somewhat misnamed. He’s never the defendant; he’s always the guy that sues.