“WE’VE GOT IT WRONG: ISIS IS NOT THE MAIN PROBLEM IN THE MIDDLE EAST. “ISIS is not a unique organization; rather, it exists at one of the most extreme points along a continuum of movements committed to Sunni political Islam.”” Instapundit » Blog Archive » WE’VE GOT IT WRONG: ISIS IS NOT THE MAIN PROBLEM IN THE MIDDLE EAST. “ISIS is not a unique organiz…

WE’VE GOT IT WRONG: ISIS IS NOT THE MAIN PROBLEM IN THE MIDDLE EAST. “ISIS is not a unique organization; rather, it exists at one

“Christianity in Araby is being “barbarically leveled”, and yet the President in his already forgotten State of the Union can only confirm Islam in its indestructible, pathological sense of its own victimhood” Smite the Land :: SteynOnline

Christianity in Araby is being “barbarically leveled”, and yet the President in his already forgotten State of the Union can only confirm Islam in its