Political screeds in reference books? Merriam Webster = SJW? — Use of Remedy in a sentence | Definition of Remedy by Merriam-Webster

Examples of Remedy in a Sentence / Noun

Building more roads isn’t always the best remedy for traffic congestion.

Source: Remedy | Definition of Remedy by Merriam-Webster

The sample sentence is argumentative. It argues – poorly – in a way often deployed by anti-development, anti-modernity, anti-suburbia, and controller types that favor artificially creating traffic congestion so that they can manipulate people to move into cities where they hope to direct urban dwellers onto crappy state-controlled “mass transit” and into hive-type dense dwellings. In the U.S., they can often be heard complaining about “white flight” (or whatever other dog whistle phrases are in vogue at the moment) as a description (which is argumentative and critical) of people getting out of shabby and poorly-run cities where criminality and social failure are tolerated, or in the case of the latter where there are developed loser cultural influences, even promoted. These types when they obtain the levers of power immorally create excess congestion to this end, wasting fuel, lubricants, and, more importantly, time.

The argument is poor because it uses “always” to imply that it responds to some assertion that more roads is always the best solution, when usually more (or larger) roads would instead often be the best (or least cost) available solution. The use of “best” is a secondary problem of the same type. This is a species of the Strawman Fallacy. “Costs” of course include spending and other non-monetary constraints or burdens.

More roads often the solution to more cars? Well, duh. Always? Of course not. What if there are already structures or there are natural features precluding additional roads? Is there ever “always” a “best” remedy for some ill? Of course not. There are always trade-offs. There are also different types and causes of congestion that are unusual and have to be managed with existing infrastructure designed and installed for normal flow rates and loads. Big sports events and hurricane evacuation routes are examples.

This is how they get into our heads, starting from an early age. Constant bombardments of leftist tropes are directed at people. Here is a highly manipulative method. This hollow sample sentence actually makes one a little bit dumber. It does nothing to point to the fundamental engineering and economic issues, though this could easily have been done.

What could this sample have stated instead?

“The best available remedy for traffic congestion can be selected based on the causes, available options, and costs.”

Merriam-Webster is a storied, old, brand. It can be destroyed by such activities. Perhaps that is intended by those that now control it.

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